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Planning Board Meeting Minutes 2013-09-04
Meeting Minutes Approved as written, 9/18/2013
Planning Board  
Wednesday, September 4, 2013
Newbury Town Hall

Members Present:        John Weis, Chair; Kathleen Pearson; Linda McCamic; John O’Connell; David Powell; George Morse (Associate Member)
Staff Present:  Martha Taylor, Town Planner

John Weis, Chair, called the meeting to order at 7:02 p.m.

  • Meeting Minutes:
Motion:  A motion was made by L. McCamic and seconded by D. Powell to approve the meeting minutes of August 21, 2013 as written.  The motion passed unanimously.

  • 101 Newburyport Turnpike, Project Update:
Angelo Ciardiello of ERA Equipment, owner of the property at 101 Newburyport Turnpike, appeared before the Board to report on progress of work on the lot, for which Site Plan Review approval was granted in October 2012.  Doug Packer, Newbury Conservation Agent, was also present for the discussion.

J. O’Connell and D. Packer both expressed concern about the thick layer of RAP (Recycled Asphalt Product) which has been laid down over a large portion of the site and which was not approved by either the Planning Board or the Conservation Commission.  No measures have been taken to control stormwater run-off from the new surface.  J. O’Connell, D. Packer, and M. Taylor, at a minimum, will go to the site with Mr. Ciardiello to identify areas where RAP should be removed.  A. Ciardiello noted that the RAP was intended only as a temporary surface and that he didn’t know it would be a problem.

Other issues that were brought up by the Board included:  1) parking of construction vehicles on Sled Road, potentially blocking access to the remainder of the roadway; 2) the excessive number of heavy vehicles parked on the site, particularly over the future leaching field for the septic system; 3) the lack of erosion control; and 4) the large amount of materials, including junk items and apparent construction debris, stored and stockpiled on the site, including in the buffer zone.  A written list of concerns will be provided to Mr. Ciardiello so that he can address them.

Regarding schedule, Mr. Ciardiello said that construction has been delayed since there is more ledge on the site than originally anticipated.  The driller for blasting is scheduled to be on site in a couple of weeks, the site will be prepped during the fall, and construction of the building and other improvements will start early next year.

Mr. Ciardiello noted that there has been an issue with people dumping trash on the site and asked whether it would be possible to install a key operated gate to prohibit unauthorized access.  M. Taylor will follow up with the Town Administrator.

K. Pearson noted that the Town is trying to make the developed areas on Route 1 more attractive and requested that Mr. Ciardiello be mindful of that as he proceeds with his project.

  • Zoning Amendments for Fall Special Town Meeting:
Amendments to the Medical Marijuana moratorium language were suggested to clarify some of the provisions regarding regulation of land use.

Motion:  A motion was made by L. McCamic and seconded by D. Powell to amend the proposed moratorium language as discussed.  The motion passed unanimously.

M. Taylor will revise the draft language in preparation for presentation and discussion at the public hearing on September 18.

  • Site Plan Review By-Law Revisions:
The Board compiled and discussed a list of suggested changes to the Site Plan Review by-law and formed a subcommittee to prepare a revised draft for review by the full Board at the second meeting in November.

  • Caldwell Farm Trail:
J. Weis has invited Jerry Ring, Chair of the Caldwell Farm HOA Board of Trustees, and fellow Board member Art Berarducci to a regular Planning Board meeting during the fall to discuss the public trail.  M. Taylor will follow up with Mr. Ring in early October to set a date.

  • Revised Stormwater Rules and Regulations:
The draft of the revised Stormwater Regulations has been distributed for in-house review.  Comments are due September 16.  J. O’Connell reported that the Conservation Commission has no issue with becoming the Stormwater Permit Granting Authority.  The By-Law will need to be changed accordingly at the Spring 2014 Annual Town Meeting.

  • Revised Subdivision Rules and Regulations:
J. O’Connell noted that the DPW Director has expressed concern about shrinking the minimum width of pavement for new roadways as proposed in the current draft of the revisions to the Subdivision Rules and Regulations and suggested that the minimum width be changed back to 22’ to allow two fire trucks to pass each other.  The Board members concurred.

On a motion made by K. Pearson and seconded by J. O’Connell, the meeting was adjourned at 9:40 p.m.

Respectfully Submitted,

Martha Taylor
Town Planner